HOPE resources for all communities
At the HOPE National Resource Center, we create resources all year round. Many of our resources are created in collaboration with HOPE Facilitators, HOPE Champions, and others who are implementing the HOPE framework in their organization or community. Below are many of the new resources we created in 2023. Each resource is a guide, not an instruction manual, that shares ways of practicing or implementing the HOPE framework that can be tailored to your organization or community. Every organization, community, and family practices positive childhood experiences (PCEs) differently, which is why these resources leave room for flexibility in their practice. We are looking forward to more resource collaborations in 2024.
Fact Sheets
10 ways to practice PCEs during the holiday season
This resource was created from a popular blog, posted in 2022, that shared 10 ways to practice positive childhood experiences during the holiday season. Because of its popularity, we want to share these 10 tips again as a resource that can be printed and more easily shared.
HOPE-informed Screenings and Assessments
This resource provides simple guidance to direct service providers around delivering these different assessments in a HOPEful way, from preparing the family for the screener/assessment through delivery and wrap-up.
HOPE in Global Settings
This resource shares what we learned at the HOPE around the Globe panel discussion. It shares 5 tips we learned about practicing HOPE in global settings. During the panel Lynn Kemp, PhD; Teniola Okun, MPH; Saija Westerlund-Cook, and Rebekah Grace, PhD shared their experiences implementing HOPE in non-US settings – Australia, Canada, Finland, and the UK.
Promoting PCEs for Children and Youth who are Transgender or Non-binary
This resource provides 10 ways to promote positive childhood experiences for transgender (trans) and non-binary youth. Learn about new policies that are creating many barriers for trans and non-binary youth from accessing PCEs and the Four Building Blocks of HOPE.
Strengths Based Building Blocks (Spanish Version)
This resource in Spanish is a tool to help assess how the Four Building Blocks of HOPE are being practiced by a parent, child, or youth.
With and Without HOPE – Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Screening
These videos present two different deliveries of a Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Screening.
With and Without HOPE Referrals
These videos present two different deliveries of a referral to speech therapy. Referrals are a wonderful moment to connect the family’s goal for their child to a Building Block of HOPE that can be accessed through the referral. We call this a “moment of HOPE.”
With and Without HOPE Developmental Screening
These videos present two deliveries of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire often used for developmental screening in home visiting and pediatric practices.
Goal Concordant Care Simulations
These videos share brief examples of providers eliciting a parent’s goal in the course of a visit and then connecting that goal to a “moment of HOPE.” The first video shares a parent with an infant and the second is a parent with a preschooler.
IEP Simulation Videos With and Without HOPE
These two videos share a simulation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting.
Help HOPE create new resources in 2024
The HOPE National Resource Center regularly creates new resources to help translate the HOPE framework into practice. These resources are commonly developed after receiving requests from the HOPE community. Share with us what resource you would like HOPE to create next.