This Friday, June 30th, the 2023 HOPE Innovation Network (HIN) cohort will complete the program and become the first-ever HOPE-certified organizations. Over the last six months, these organizations learned about our six standards of HOPEful practice and conducted in-depth organizational assessments. Now, organizations will work on the goals they created as the result of this experience, working closely with the HOPE team.
This year’s group of HIN organizations were part of a pilot group to test the first phase of HOPE certification, HOPE-Inspired certification. To reach the next phase of certification, HOPE-Informed certification, organizations will have to show progress toward their goals. At the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC), we are so excited to see these organizations complete HIN and earn certification. The HOPE-Informed Organizational Certification program recently launched this year with the goal of spreading HOPE organizationally and creating a new standard of practice through positive experiences.
Congratulations to the organizations that joined us for the 2023 HIN pilot program: Illuminate Colorado, Pathways to Hope for Children, Children Unlimited, Inc, KVC Behavioral Healthcare Inc, Spokane Regional Health District, Parents as Teachers National Center, Western Arkansas Counseling & Guidance Center, Inc., Bayou Lotus Corporation, Appalachian Promise Alliance, Amaro Family Child Care, Child & Family Resources, The Centers, Aligned HOPE, and Centerstone.