From Monday, May 16 to Friday May 20, Idaho is celebrating HOPE Week! Optum Idaho, in partnership with Idaho Resilience Project (IRP), invites you to participate in Mental Health Awareness Month by bringing HOPE Week activities to your community. Engaging in fun activities is a great way to help reduce stress, build resilience and can be an easy way to initiate conversations on mental health. Read more about HOPE Week in Idaho and what they hope this week will bring to the communities they serve.
Roger Sherman, Executive Director of the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund and Prevent Child Abuse Idaho, has shared with us a document on all the ways to participate and promote the activities happening throughout week, and as well as a list of the many resources throughout the Idaho community. Access this resource here to learn more.
Throughout the week people will host, participate and provide positive experiences for their community. People will be posting photos and videos of themselves and others participating in HOPE Week, be sure to participate in the fun and see them on social through #hopeliveshere and #helloidaho!