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Child playing in the water on a beach.

HOPE Key Terms and Phrases

Are you new to HOPE? If you are just learning about HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences, we know that our acronyms and phrases may be new to you. We have broken down our key phrases here to help…

Child playing with building block toys.

HOPE and Conscious Discipline

Since HOPE is a flexible framework and not a manualized program, it can be easily incorporated into the work you are already doing with Conscious Discipline. This resource explains the the ways the Conscious Discipline model and the HOPE Framework…

Young girl and boy coloring and laughing together.

HOPE-informed Screenings and Assessments

This resource provides simple guidance to direct service providers around delivering these different assessments in a HOPEful way from preparing the family for the screener/assessment through delivery and wrap-up.

African American woman with group of diverse children at a farm

HOPE Two Pager

Learn more about HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences including: Mission of the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) The HOPE framework and the importance of positive childhood experiences Putting the HOPE framework into practice How HOPE NRC is creating…

Podium outside the Shiloh Baptist Church.

Trenton Daily Covers HOPE and FAAITH Press Release

We are excited to have the Trenton Daily share with its readers that HOPE and FAAITH were awarded a grant by Systems for Action, a national Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program. Read the article and learn more about the press…

Photo of children playing with toys

The Four Building Blocks of HOPE

Research has shown that Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) help children grow into healthy, resilient adults. These PCEs can be categorized into 4 Building Blocks. This resource shares what each category is and how to increase access to them.

Photo of children playing with toys

The Four Building Blocks of HOPE Handout in Mandarin

Research has shown that Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) help children grow into healthy, resilient adults. These PCEs can be categorized into 4 Building Blocks. This resource shares what each category is and how to increase access to them. This resource…

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