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Baby with a building block

HOPE in Policy

The HOPE National Resource Center intends to help policymakers know more about Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs).

Father and children sliding in the snow.

The Missing Epidemic: HOPE and child abuse prevention

This week marks the end of April, child abuse prevention month. During the pandemic, we have learned a lot about how to prevent child abuse. Data from the pandemic show a story of hope for children and families. Let’s put this new knowledge into action.

Hands tending garden.

Help Us Declare a Week of HOPE

This year we will be hosting a Week of HOPE, this will take place March 7 – 11, 2022. Throughout the week we will highlight all the amazing work of HOPE featuring the many organizations we have worked with and who use HOPE to support children, families, and communities. The HOPE framework offers a new approach that brings identifying, celebrating, and promoting positive experiences to the forefront of care.

Massachusetts State House

Interview with Judy Langford

Having an alternative way of understanding ACES and putting it in the larger picture of positive experiences is essential to the ongoing mission of virtually every professional working with children or families. ” Please introduce yourself and your work to…

graphic showing HOPE and Center for the Study of Social Policy logos with blue and teal sans-serif type below

Frank Farrow and “Passing the Baton”

“Passing the Baton” is a collection of essays assembled by editors Mark Joseph, Frank Farrow, and Leila Fiester and posted on the website of the Washington DC-based Center for the Study of Social Policy. The collection is dedicated to Harold…

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