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Parenting through Divorce with HOPE

Parenting through Divorce with HOPE

Hello out there, HOPE family. I joined HOPE at the start of this year to help the team bring HOPE to the West Coast. I’m a Bay Area girl living in Portland. Well, to be more precise, I’m a New…

Positive Childhood Experiences in Ojibwe Culture

Positive Childhood Experiences in Ojibwe Culture

HOPE knows that all families, communities, and cultures have inherent strengths. In recent webinars with The Montana Institute, we’ve learned real world examples of this from co-presenters at the Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (MIWRC). Zhawin Gonzalez, or Wasegabo, is…

Relationships are Key: Supporting Underserved Students

Relationships are Key: Supporting Underserved Students

Today’s post is based on an interview with Brooke Adams, a first-generation college graduate with a master’s degree in social work and a passion for working with students from under-resourced communities. Please introduce yourself and your work for our blog…

Building Relationships and a Better Foster Care System

Building Relationships and a Better Foster Care System

Today’s post is based on an interview with Elliott Orrin Hinkle (they/them), an alumnus of the Wyoming Foster Care System. They are an advocate for child welfare, mental health, and the LGBTQ population. Nationally they work as a consultant to the…

The Importance of Relationships and Equity in Foster Care

The Importance of Relationships and Equity in Foster Care

Today’s post is based on an interview with Victor Sims, an active advocate for children in foster care. Victor works as a case manager supervisor at SailFuture, won a 2020 Casey Excellence for Children Award, and is an American Bar Association…

Strengthening Families During Covid-19

Strengthening Families During Covid-19

Today’s post is based on an interview with Rev. Darrell Armstrong, pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton, NJ for the past 20 years. He is considered a national leader on issues pertaining to child welfare and family strengthening. Most…

Love in the Time After Covid-19

Love in the Time After Covid-19

A lot has happened in the month since we first published “Love in the Time of Coronavirus” in this blog space. We are now publishing regularly and have featured the perspectives of Drs. David Willis, Danielle Laraque-Arena, Heather Forkey, and…

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